Pet Taxi
Normal Pet Taxi Rates
Distance 1 km - 10 km | RM35.00 |
Distance of 10 km - 25 km | RM45.00 |
Distance of 25 km - 40 km | RM55.00 |
Distance of 40 km - 60 km | RM65.00 |
60 km above additional | RM4.00 per km |
Call out | RM20.00 + Distance charges |
Waiting time (upon request) | RM10.00 per 10 mins |
Notes :
- Tolls are charged on top of this where needed.
- RM 25 Surcharge applies for :
Saturday, Sunday, Eves & Public Holidays & After Hours
(Monday – Friday before 9am and after 5pm)
Rental of Pet Crates for Taxi Service
Cat Crate | RM10.00 per crate per pet |
Dog Crate (Small Size) | RM15.00 per usage per animal |
Dog Crate (Medium Size) | RM25.00 per usage per animal |