Pet Taxi

Normal Pet Taxi Rates

Distance 1 km - 10 km RM35.00
Distance of 10 km - 25 km RM45.00
Distance of 25 km - 40 km RM55.00
Distance of 40 km - 60 km RM65.00
60 km above additional RM4.00 per km
Call out RM20.00 + Distance charges
Waiting time (upon request) RM10.00 per 10 mins

Notes :

  • Tolls are charged on top of this where needed.
  • RM 25 Surcharge applies for :
    Saturday, Sunday, Eves & Public Holidays & After Hours
    (Monday – Friday before 9am and after 5pm)

Rental of Pet Crates for Taxi Service

Cat Crate RM10.00 per crate per pet
Dog Crate (Small Size) RM15.00 per usage per animal
Dog Crate (Medium Size) RM25.00 per usage per animal